lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Invitacion a la presetación del libro de la Prof. Alina V. Machnicki

Tenemos el agrado de invitarlos a la presentación del libro

Language Short Stories Teach:
meaningful linguistic, literary, cultural and
critical thinking activities for intermediate levels

Editado por la Prof. Alina V. Machnicki
Coescrito por docentes de Covent Garden English School

El día VIERNES 6 DE MAYO a las 20 hs,
en la sede del Instituto Juan Zorrilla De San Martín
Donaciano del Campillo 1563- Cerro de las Rosas

It is expected that this book serves as a meaningful guide, as a starting point, and that both teachers and students feel free to supplement the activities proposed where necessary by giving full rein to their imagination and creativity.”